In order to make your vehicle more drivable, you should map it by undergoing the process called “ECU (Engine Control Unit) Remapping”. This can be done by updating your engine with the latest/revised software. There is no need to change any of the vehicle’s hardware because all it takes is the connection between the computer and the OBD/II port. Maps will be downloaded, the remapping will take place, and then it will be uploaded back to the ECU.

Thus, you might ask if there are any dangers in remapping, the answer is simple there are risks with anything, but the concerns are managed within a tolerance of control. The entire remapping process won’t actually damage your car. So, what’s dangerous?

Dangers of Remapping

There is no doubt that the remapping market is saturated with all sorts of companies offering “the best remap in-the-world”. It is very hard to differtiate between the good,bad and downright ugly, so here are our top tips to help you make the right choice.

1. Don’t buy cheap

Everyone generally spends as much as they can afford on their car, so be it £5,000 or £50,000, it is a valuable asset and often their pride and joy. Anyone can sell on price, but ask yourself the simple question. “Are you prepared to risk a poor quality, potentially dangerous modification for the sake of a few £’s”.

2. Backup

What sort of outfit are they? Are they agents for a substantial national business like ours, or just working on their own? What sort of pedigree and reputation do they have? Is there any warranty?

4. Website

Pretty websites often hide a multitude of sins, often they are easy to spot with unfinished content, lots of irrelevant supercar pictures, etc. Its incredible to see how many remapper’s falsely claim to write their own tuning files, where there is actually no shame in sourcing them from a quality tuner like ourselves.

5. Social Media

Check out other tuners on Facebook, see their local feedback etc. Beware though if they have brought ‘likes’, normally spotted by a sudden increase in thousands, which is a bit pointless and a sham. Check us out and join our 100,000+ fans on Facebook here

6. Checkout feedback and reviews

Genuine reviews are now a way of life for making purchases. Proper companies ensure that their customers have a way to report feedback, be it good or bad. See our great feedback on Trustpilot here.

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